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Passion is a Noun and Noun is in a Sentence

Definition of PASSION
often capitalized
a : the sufferings of Christ between the night of the Last Supper and his death
b : an oratorio based on a gospel narrative of the Passion
obsolete : suffering
: the state or capacity of being acted on by external agents or forces
(1) : emotion passion

 is greed> (2) plural : the emotions as distinguished from reason
b : intense, driving, or overmastering feeling or conviction
c : an outbreak of anger
a : ardent affection : love
b : a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept
c : sexual desire
d : an object of desire or deep interest


That is the definiton of passion from Merriam Webster. I'm interested in talking about passion these days. I see a lot of people with their own passion, I read many articles about someone with their own passion, I listen to the radio an interview that talked about passion. Those people I saw, I read, and I listened has one similarity, they're successful and they love what they do. Passion everywhere, what is so great about passion that every succesful person has this?

Let me take an example. Let's choose one thing you can be passionate about. Hmm... Cooking. Now let's see all the famous chef. Bara Pattiradjawane, Juna Rorimpandey, Rinrin Marinka, Farah Quinn, Sisca Soewitomo, and all the famous chef, they all passionate in cooking. I ever read an article about Farah Quinn that she's actually a bachelor in finance, but her love for food made her take culinary degree. She changed from finance to culinary. Bara Pattiradjawane (my favorite chef, hehe..) studied art and design in Paris. But now look at him, he's famous as a chef now rather than designer. His passion in cooking from since he was a little kid brings him to success. See? Every famous and successful person follow their passion.

I give you another example. I read this article and yes, that's my brother. Check the headline, he's talking about his passion. What's happened when he follows his passion? He is succesful with his, he can go everywhere in this world to be a speaker, he can buy an iPhone for himself and iPad for her daughters, he can eat delicious food (okay it's kinda not important), he can meet a lot of famous persons, and he's happy with it. He's been interviewed by many magazines. It's kinda funny that I have a famous brother but my parents and I don't realize it, haha.. See? Every famous and successful person follow their passion (again)

I can give you many other examples about people and their passion. As a psychology student, I know a lot of people with their passion in psychology. As an amateur flutist, I know a lot of people with their passion in music. I also know people around me with their passion in photography, books, philosophy, kids, science, handcrafting, language, literature, politics, sports, and many more. It's fun to see every each person with their passion. I'm sure they're happy because they do things they love the most. There's nothing wrong following your passion, but the biggest question is do you know your passion? Do you know what things you love the most and you'd like to do that for the rest of your life?

Me? Actually I'm still looking for my passion. I love music, psychology, education, research, but I can't say that I'm passionate to one particular area. Based on the definition 5 from Merriam Webster, I like them all but I can't decide it yet which one is my passion. Well, I can be an music psychologist in school by research when I want to do all I love, haha.. But hey, that's not a bad idea though. I was thinking that if one day somebody ask me what is my passion, my first word that come to my mind will be these words. Hmm, nobody says that you can only have one passion right? I'm sure if I do something that I love the most, I will be a successful person :)

My lecture ever said "Do what you love and the money will follow" and I believe "Do what you passionate, it can give you anything and bring you everywhere". So can you answer the question "What is your passion?".


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