Wow, It's almost 25th of December, how fast :-0
Tidak terasa sekali Natal sudah dekat, perasaan baru kemaren naik kelas XI, eh sekarang udah mau Natal aja.
Unfortunately, kenapa sebelum kita merayakan Natal selalu ada cobaan yang nama ULANGAN UMUM???
Pusing!!!! @_@ (Lebay jaya)
Hmm... Tiba-tiba pengen buat puisi. Buatnya agak berbau rohani nich, hehehe...
My Christmas
Twenty Fifth of December
Where the happiness and joy come
Because He has born
I know it's not about Santa Claus
I know it's not about the presents
I know it's about Jesus
But why people forgot about Him?
Why people forgot about Jesus?
They only remember about the joy
But they don't know what joy they celebrate
Thank you Jesus you give me the best thing
The best joy in my life
Even If it's not a Christmas day
I will always get the best joy
Yach, pendek tapi cukup bermakna (kayaknya). I hope this Christmas will be a good Christmas, :-D
Ps:Fotonya sekarang baru pohonnya, kalo udah mo Natal nanti ada hiasannya, hehehe... But Indonesia doesn't have any snow, so how can we make a snow?