Pernahkah merasa kangen sama seseorang, sampai tugas academic writing disuruh buat cause and effect essay aja akhirnya nulis tentang kangennya itu? Aku harap aku bukan satu-satunya orang yang melakukannya. Apa yang aku tulis ini sebenarnya adalah tugas yang terlupakan oleh gurunya. Aku ingat di buku academic writing, kami diminta untuk membuat draft apa penyebab dan akibat dari topik yang dipilih. Kemudian dari draft itu dikembangkan menjadi tulisan. Lalu lahirlah tulisan ini, tapi tidak pernah dikumpulkan kepada gurunya. Layaknya siswa teladan pada umumnya, tidak ada murid yang berinisiatif memberitahukan gurunya kalau ada tugas yang belum dikumpulkan. Daripada mengendap dalam komputer, aku taruh sini saja deh.
Sesungguhnya masih ada sedikit misteri buatku. Sebenarnya kangen itu dalam bahasa Inggris itu "missing" atau "longing" sih? Waktu aku bilang mau buat esai sebab-akibat dari "missing my friend", gurunya bertanya apakah maksudnya orang ini menghilang dan mau kamu tulis sebab-akibatnya? (Walaupun emang ketika esai ini ditulis, ada orang yang memang sedang "hilang" sih). Tapi yang kumaksud adalah rasa kangen, rasa ingin bertemu dengan orang yang sudah lama bertemu. Terus disarankan pakai istilah "longing my friend" deh.
Baiklah cukup preambule-nya. Silakan membaca tulisan akademik / curhatan seorang Billy. Karena ini esai belajar nulis, ya harap maklum segala dosa tata bahasa dan alur yang kurang jelasnya, haha.. Aku cuma mau berbagi perasaanku melalui tulisan yang menguras otak kok. :p
Sesungguhnya masih ada sedikit misteri buatku. Sebenarnya kangen itu dalam bahasa Inggris itu "missing" atau "longing" sih? Waktu aku bilang mau buat esai sebab-akibat dari "missing my friend", gurunya bertanya apakah maksudnya orang ini menghilang dan mau kamu tulis sebab-akibatnya? (Walaupun emang ketika esai ini ditulis, ada orang yang memang sedang "hilang" sih). Tapi yang kumaksud adalah rasa kangen, rasa ingin bertemu dengan orang yang sudah lama bertemu. Terus disarankan pakai istilah "longing my friend" deh.
Baiklah cukup preambule-nya. Silakan membaca tulisan akademik / curhatan seorang Billy. Karena ini esai belajar nulis, ya harap maklum segala dosa tata bahasa dan alur yang kurang jelasnya, haha.. Aku cuma mau berbagi perasaanku melalui tulisan yang menguras otak kok. :p
Longing for Friends
Longing for your friends, especially the closest
friend, may give mixed feelings. Sometimes the one who is longing for his or
her friend cannot immediately meet the person he or she is longing for. As the
consequences, it is usually uncomfortable to miss someone since that person
cannot be visited when the feelings strike. There is a self-defence technique
in psychoanalysis called rationalization that can be used to to make an
individual feeling more comfortable when one is missing his or her friend. A
way to rationalize is to understand what causes that person cannot be met
One of the classic reasons why it is hard to meet a
person is because that person is busy. He or she prioritizes to do something
else instead of meeting his or her friend. It is understandable because
everybody has its own schedule and one cannot fit everything there. Therefore,
the one who cannot be met does not intentionally abandon his or her friend, but
because there are more important things to do.
Another possible reason is because that person is hard
to be contacted. The one who is longing for his or her friend usually texted
his or her friend first to ask for a meeting. Unfortunately, the text is
sometimes not replied by him or her. Since there is no reply, there is also no
chance of knowing where that person is. Therefore, meeting him or her seems
There can be a scenario when two people finally got a
chance to contact each other, but the schedule of both parties are not fit. It
is good to remember that the one with the packed schedule is not only the person
whom an individual want to meet but also the one who is missing his or her
friend. It leads to the previous reason which is because of the busy schedule
both people have. Thus, the feeling of longing someone will still be there.
Being busy, hard to be contacted, and the schedule
that is not fit may become three reasons why it is hard to meet someone one is
longing for. At least by knowing the causes of why it is hard to meet, it can
calm down the uncomfortable feeling that the person who is longing for his or
her friend’s feeling. One day when both people can meet, it will be a good
moment to catch up with their own life update.